Travel experience


Travel expenses

Today I wanted to share a piece of my life that honestly took some time to not only fully comprehend but would end up being the most crucial piece of my personal development. Within the roughly 9 years I have been traveling the world both with the military and personally it has spanned across 4 continents and 58 countries. From 5 star hotels in Paris to abandoned buildings in Niamey I got to experience both the pleasures and travesties of the modern world.

When I first started traveling I really didn't appreciate the vastness of it all. How in such a short flight you could land in a totally different reality. With new customs, new traditions and an entirely new lifestyle from country to country everything was different. Sure it's great to see beautiful architecture and take hundreds of photos to capture and re-live every moment. In time I began to see what all this traveling really meant for me. It wasn't about the memories or the sights or posting a picture for all social media to become jealous of.

1. Benefits of Traveling - You get to experience the world

If you took a small survey with anyone around you you'll find that a vast majority of people have never left their own footprint. Whether it be their country, their state, or maybe even their hometown.

Experiencing other cultures and physically being there in person is incomparable to anything else. 

2. Benefits of Traveling - You learn who you are

A major benefit to leaving your environment and exploring new ones (especially in foreign countries) is how truly humbling it is. We all live in our own ecosystems and rarely migrate outside of that. By putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations and experiencing new cultures and memories we open up our minds to exploring new ideas and viewpoints.

3. Benefits of Traveling - You learn to appreciate what you have

This has to be one of the top lessons for me. Coming from a 1st world country and seeing how other human beings live just based on a geographical location is beyond humbling. We all live in the same world but simply what country you are born into can dictate your whole life. We have become accustomed to the luxuries we have so much so that we don't even recognize them as luxuries. Seeing countries that struggle to survive with the basic necessities of food, water, shelter and healthcare truly transforms your mindset. 4. Benefits of Traveling - Independence and


A small portion of my traveling was done alone and to me these were the most fulfilling. Everyone loves a travel partner but to experience the culture alone with just your thoughts and emotions is an experience I believe everyone should understand. Navigating a new culture and language alone and taking it all in will help you become more independent and confident.

5. Benefits of Traveling - Motivation

Traveling motivates you in a variety of ways that can be beneficial to your life. For some its a reset from a stressful work or personal situation. For others they learn new skills or hobbies they want to explore. The desire to travel also benefits other aspects of your life. To take on hikes and physical activities you need to be in shape, to pay for trips and enjoy them you need to get your finances in order and save. In every facet of traveling you can grow your life.

6. Benefits of Traveling - Great conversation The more well versed you are the more you'll be surprised at how often these experiences come up in conversation. From working with a client who was born in Accra, I was able to close a deal simply by having spent a few weeks there and us discussing the beauty of the city and culture for hours. The ability to share these stories through generations and share the wealth and knowledge of travel.

7. Benefits of Traveling - Freedom and relaxation

For most of us, the beauty in travel comes from the separation from our reality. The ability to unwind and detach from our stressful busy lives and take in a new environment with zero stress or responsibility. The mental reset and clarity one gains from traveling is indescribable. Final thoughts on the benefits of traveling

I hope you were able to learn something and that

you create a new goal of traveling in 2022. Experiencing cultures and environments through personal experience rather than through social media and television is truly a night and day difference.

To quote Mark Twain "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do."

The amount of people I have met that have regretted not traveling internationally or seeing countries where their families originated is truly astounding. Experiences are forever and its something we should all try to incorporate into our lifestyles!

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